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Aliso Canyon Turbine Replacement Project Update

Construction continues on Southern California Gas Co.’s (SoCalGas) Aliso Canyon Turbine Replacement Project. Approved by the California Public Utilities Commission in November 2013, the project consists of the relocation of the facility’s guard house and offices, and the replacement of obsolete gas turbine-driven compressors with electric-motor driven compressors. The compressors are used to inject natural gas into the storage reservoir. This natural underground reservoir allows SoCalGas to safely store natural gas when prices are lower, and withdraw the gas for our customers when prices and demand are high. This helps to protect customers against price spikes and helps to maintain reliable natural gas supplies. The new state-of-the-art technology will reduce about 70,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas and other emissions from our operations – or about 90 percent of a typical year’s emissions from the facility. The project is on schedule and the new equipment is expected to become operational in late 2016. Annual emissions reports are available on the following websites.      

CARB Website: http://www.arb.ca.gov/homepage.htm
AQMD Website: http://www.aqmd.gov/

Construction Update
Construction on the new Central Compressor Station began 9 months ago. All grading/civil work is complete and foundations are nearing completion. Large equipment deliveries have begun and will continue through 2015. Construction on the guardhouse relocation is complete and the new guardhouse will become operational shortly. The facility electric distribution circuit is on schedule for completion in the 4th Quarter of 2015.  The office relocation construction is underway. Grading operations are completed and building construction will commence in 3rd Quarter of 2015.  The Southern California Edison Co.’s substation and subtransmission modifications began 6 months ago.  The substation grading is nearing completion and substation construction will commence in July 2015. Approximately 35% of the subtransmission work is complete. Construction will continue until completion in early 2016.

Community Meeting Scheduled for June
SoCalGas will hold its 6th Aliso Canyon Turbine Replacement Project Community Meeting on Monday, June 8, 2015, from 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., at Shepherd of the Hills Church-19700 Rinaldi St, Porter Ranch, CA 91326.

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The Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council is an organization that is officially certified by the City of Los Angeles to increase our influence with City lawmakers and departments to improve our community.

The PRNC came about as a result of Los Angeles City Charter Reform and interested stakeholders in our community. The Board is elected by stakeholders and holds monthly meetings, usually on the first Wednesday of the month. The agenda is emailed to those who subscribe (see the green box in the upper corner), on our website here and posted at 11280 Corbin Avenue, Northridge, CA 91326 on a bulletin board facing Corbin street.

The Board is comprised of volunteers who want to help you make Porter Ranch a better place to live, work and grow. We can't do it for you, but we can do it with you.

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