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If you are interested in joining a committee, please contact the chair:

Community Beautification

The mission of the Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council Beautification Committee is to promote stakeholder involvement and facilitate long term solutions for the beautification of Porter Ranch through city service providers and community events.

 Chair: JasonHector [at] PRNC.org (Jason Hector)

The Beautification Committee meets on the last Tuesday of the month.


The mission of the Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council Education Committee is to work with our local schools to benefit the education of Porter Ranch children.

 Chair: HildaSarkisyan [at] PRNC.org">HildaSarkisyan [at] PRNC.org

The Beautification Committee meetings TBD.


The mission of the Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council Homelessness Committee is address issues of homelessness in Porter Ranch.

Land Use

The Mission of the Land Use Committee is to create a community forum that engages stakeholders views and concerns and makes innovative recommendations to the Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council.


The Outreach Committee’s mission is to inform and engage the stakeholders, as well as the community at large. We will inform the community about events and occurrences involving, and addressed by, the PRNC, in which the community can participate. The Committee will use video, printed materials, alliances with mass media outlets, other community groups, (such as HOA’s and PTO’s,) and individual board members as ambassadors to convey information tailored by the needs of the day. All materials created and disseminated by the Committee will be done with transparency, and aligned with the interests & goals of PRNC board on behalf of our community. Also, all marketing decisions by the Committee will keep the goal to minimize the carbon footprint and waste created by materials used, when possible.

Christine DemirtshianChair: ChristineDemirtshian [at] PRNC.org (Christine Demirtshian)

The Outreach Committee usually meets once per quarter. Stakeholders are encouraged to attend our meetings & participate!

Public Safety

The Mission of the Safety & Traffic Committee is to identify traffic improvements and work with agencies for their implementation.

Asaad Alnajjar Chair: Asaad Alnajjar

Rules & Bylaws

The Mission of the Rules & Bylaws Committee is to review and identify Bylaws Updates.

Senior Care

 Chair: JenniferIbrahim [at] prnc.org (Jennifer Ibrahim)


The mission of the Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council Sustainability Committee is to advance and promote sustainable living practices in our community through education, events, workshops, sharing of information/best practices and by forging partnerships with other organizations, local schools, businesses and vendors, and promote renewable and clean energy sources, reduce waste, promote recycling and conserve energy.

 Chair: DavidBalen [at] PRNC.org (David Balen)

English French Japanese Korean Spanish


  • Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025, 6:00 PM
    Castlebay Lane Charter Elementary
  • Wednesday, Apr 9, 2025, 6:00 PM
    Castlebay Lane Charter Elementary
  • Wednesday, May 14, 2025, 6:00 PM
    Castlebay Lane Charter Elementary
  • Wednesday, Jun 11, 2025, 6:00 PM
    Castlebay Lane Charter Elementary
  • Wednesday, Jul 9, 2025, 6:00 PM
    Castlebay Lane Charter Elementary



The Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council is an organization that is officially certified by the City of Los Angeles to increase our influence with City lawmakers and departments to improve our community.

The PRNC came about as a result of Los Angeles City Charter Reform and interested stakeholders in our community. The Board is elected by stakeholders and holds monthly meetings, usually on the first Wednesday of the month. The agenda is emailed to those who subscribe (see the green box in the upper corner), on our website here and posted at 11280 Corbin Avenue, Northridge, CA 91326 on a bulletin board facing Corbin street.

The Board is comprised of volunteers who want to help you make Porter Ranch a better place to live, work and grow. We can't do it for you, but we can do it with you.

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