Construction has begun this July on a project to that was presented to the Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council at a meeting on June 7, 2011. The owners of the gas station on the corner of Rinaldi and Tampa presented a plan to rebuild the existing facility.
The service bays would be removed and replaced with a food mart in an architectural style to go with the neighborhood. Beer and wine would be sold, but not between midnight and 6am. The underground tanks would be replaced and diesel fuel would also be offered.
Board member Sue Hammarlund expressed concern about the back of the building being a graffiti magnet and other board members agreed. There was discussion about adding trellises and plants to mitigate graffiti concerns. The PRNC approved the design and sent a letter in support to City Zoning Administrator. At the time, it was expected that the new facility will be complete by the end of the 2011.