LAPD Captain Maureen Ryan, PRNC Police, Fire & Safety Committee Chair Becky Leveque, PRNC President Mel Mitchell with Best Buy employees purchasing equipment for LAPD Devonshire Station.
The Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council has just completed a project to help bring the LAPD Devonshire station into the new millennium of technology. The Council funded and purchased a dozen flat screen TVs which are networked throughout the station. They provide easy access to breaking news on commercial TV as well as two way interactive communications on the City’s video conferencing network.

The PRNC recently collaborated with Councilman Englander’s Office resulting in the repaving of Wilbur north of Rinaldi. The PRNC has heard many concerns from the community over the years about repaving Wilbur. Board members and City Councilmember Mitch Englander’s office have worked together on this issue and repaving began on Wilbur in August.
The crowning achievement of the PRNC is the on time opening of the Porter Ranch Community School with 700 students in grades K-7. The Council participated in a unique partnership with LAUSD, Porter Ranch Development Company, and the Councilman's office to develop the school to meet the community's needs.